6 Reasons Your Blockchain Press Release Distribution is Stalling

So, you’ve written a press release for your blockchain businesses. You’ve sent it out and are hoping that it gets widely circulated. It means more eyes on your business, sales, and benefits if it does. But days and weeks pass, and you slowly realize that your blockchain press release distribution has stalled.

The last thing you want after putting time and effort into a press release is for it not to make a splash. But if you find yourself in this situation, here are some possible reasons:  

Poor Blockchain Press Release Distribution Tactics 

As much as there is an art to writing press releases, a lot goes into distributing them. This is because when you put out a blockchain PR, you are going up against hundreds of other businesses that also put out PRs simultaneously. As such, your blockchain press release distribution tactics have to be top-notch. This means your PRs appear in top publications and get prominent places. 

But if you haven’t been able to place your PRs on the right websites, you will inevitably get less traction. That is why we advise you to develop relationships with journalists at relevant publications or use a service like what we offer here at BTCWire. These services guarantee your press release is placed on the best crypto websites. With this sort of placement, you’re virtually guaranteed good distribution and all of the benefits that come with it.

It Wasn’t Catchy Enough 

As we’ve said, you’re competing against everyone who has put out blockchain PR around the same time, and this means that your release has to be interesting. It would be best if you stood out when journalists are scouring PR sites to decide what to turn into a story or watching news sites looking for what to read. We’ve detailed several ways to make your headline and PR body interesting to read, and there is a reason for this. 

Catchy content means that your release will get picked up and widely distributed. If you’ve been struggling with blockchain press release distribution, review your previous efforts. Were the titles eye-catching? Was the topic itself something you’d want to read about? If the answer is no, revise your content moving forward and try to make it entertaining. 

It Was Poorly-Timed 

As you might have noticed at this point, the blockchain press release distribution game is all about getting the most attention, and sometimes, the timing is off. Think of the week when the Bitcoin ETFs were announced when Bitcoin hit a new all-time price high, or even when an exchange was hacked. All of the attention is on those developments, and the media usually cover any press release that references them. Announcing that your blockchain business is expanding overseas will not be interesting or get much attention. 

If your blockchain PRs have been stalling in distribution, the timing might be off. If you especially want to get traction, a good idea would be to avoid publishing PRs during very busy weeks. On the flip side, quiet times in the industry could be a good time to drop some exciting news, as publications and consumers will be hungry for it.


Bad SEO Practices 

When it comes to content on the internet, including blockchain PRs, discoverability is everything that SEO heavily influences. SEO determines whether or not your PR will show up when journalists and the general public search for content. Good SEO practices mean that your PR will be seen far and wide and have more circulation. Bad SEO, conversely, means that your PR is more likely to get lost in the sea of online content, and your blockchain press release distribution will be stalled. 

To avoid this situation, you must employ the best SEO practices when writing a PR. 

Poor Formatting and Errors

In the past, we’ve touched on how important it is for you to properly format your blockchain press release and ensure it is error-free. This isn’t just because it is the best practice but because it means it is more likely to get circulated. If your press release is riddled with errors or weirdly formatted, journalists will be reluctant to cover your story, even if it is very compelling. 

This, in turn, means that your blockchain press release distribution will be stalled, which will inevitably impact your business. To avoid this, follow the proper press release formatting style (we’ve written about this in the past) and make sure it is as close to perfect as possible. 

Not Leveraging Multiple Formats 

Blockchain PRs are typically the standard written PR, but as we’ve said before, they can be in other formats. PRs can be turned into social media posts, videos, and more. Converting your PR into different formats gets more mileage out of them both in terms of content and blockchain press release distribution. 

Your PR might not be popular in text form but could go viral as a social media post or video. While many successful blockchain press release distributions involve others like journalists, it can also be achieved through your own intentional promotion of the press release. 


It’s not enough to simply put out a press release; you want it to perform well and get the sort of distribution you want. But blockchain press release distribution, as we’ve highlighted, takes a bit of intentional planning. You have to release at the right time so it doesn’t get overshadowed. It also has to be well-formatted and catchy enough to get the attention of journalists and the public. You must have the right blockchain press release distribution tacts even after creating it and use as many content formats as possible.