5 Reasons Your Altcoin Marketing Campaign is Struggling

The crypto altcoin scene is a thriving one that has seen thousands of tokens being released over the years and new ones emerging all the time. This means that altcoin marketing campaigns are always in progress at one point or the other and some are more successful than others. 

Have you found that your altcoin campaigns have not been doing as well as you would have hoped? Are they not converting as you planned? There are a few reasons why altcoin marketing efforts underperform and by being aware of them, you will know what to avoid:

Not Communicating Value

While cryptos are both currencies and assets, intended buyers of both are investing in them because they believe that they will get value out of them. This value can include possible profit, access to exclusive benefits, rarity, and so on. Because there are so many altcoins in the market, your campaign has to be very clear on what value users can get out of it.

Say you run a campaign talking about how your altcoin is the best new token on the block. At a glance, customers need to know why it is valuable. Does it have a deflationary model that will keep the price high? Will it give holders access to an amazing gaming universe? 

The value of the token needs to be stated as quickly as possible without expecting investors to dig too deep before it is apparent. If your altcoin marketing campaign isn’t doing this, it will likely see stagnant results.

Poor Altcoin Marketing Targeting 

Altcoin, as most of us know, is a blanket term that includes every token that is not Bitcoin. There are meme coins, gaming coins, stablecoins, and much more. These tokens are very different and even within one niche, two tokens can be distinct and cater to different audiences. There are even crypto buyers who are loyal to one token and have conflicts with the community around another, even though both tokens are almost the same. Because of how specific altcoin audiences can be, a marketing campaign can fail if it doesn’t practice proper targeting. 

If the altcoin being marketed is a meme coin and your campaign is reaching crypto gamers, you will see limited results. The same is true if you are trying to market an altcoin on a platform that its core audience doesn’t use very much. To improve altcoin marketing campaign performance, make sure you review the target audience for the token and know exactly where they congregate. If you can do this, your chances of success are much higher. 

Overly Complex Sign-up Processes

Ultimately, the goal of most altcoin marketing campaigns is to drive a specific consumer action, whether that is signing up for a newsletter, buying a token, joining a community, and so on. Because the average altcoin investor is so inundated with the abundance of tokens in the market, it is important to make the process of taking this action as easy as possible.

If the goal is driving website sign-ups, make sure a link or QR code is visible so sign-up is easy. If the goal is driving token purchases, make sure you state what platforms the token is available on, its listing price, and so on. Your prospective buyers should not have to wonder how they can get involved in your project at any point because you should have already explained.

Anticipate the questions that your investors will have about your altcoin and make sure your marketing campaign answers them. 

Neglecting the Community 

Crypto consumers are unique in that they are perhaps one of the most community-driven investor groups you’ll find anywhere. Before any token takes off and sees significant progress, it usually has a passionate community behind it that promotes it to others, watches its price movements, or even gets involved in its governance, as in the case of DAOs.

This means that for an altcoin marketing campaign to be successful, it has to be co-signed by the communities of investors it is targeting. If proper targeting has been practised (see our second point for reference), you will need to make sure that you engage with the community both during and after your campaign is over. 

You cannot approach crypto investors when you want to sell your token and make no other effort to cultivate the community. You need to have an active social media presence, have live sessions, offer airdrops, release content, and show the community that you care at all times. Otherwise, you risk your altcoin marketing campaigns being dead on arrival.

Short and Shallow Campaigns 

This is not purely specific to altcoin marketing efforts but is nevertheless relevant. Because a lot of the crypto industry is built around hype, there is the temptation to run brief but intense marketing campaigns to capture the public’s attention. Viral marketing has worked for some altcoins but you’re more likely to see success if you run longer-term campaigns that keep the token at the forefront of investors’ minds for more than a week.

Not every token will be the flavour of the day with a 1,000% price increase overnight and running campaigns that are too short will alienate many potential investors. The last thing you want is to run a campaign that, while very loud and possibly viral, doesn’t yield long-term results. 

Instead, run campaigns that seek to connect with the market but offer them deeper value. This may take longer but will probably be more successful overall.


Crypto marketers have high hopes for their campaigns but altcoin marketing efforts can and do underperform all the time. As we’ve explained in this article, it could be because of poor audience targeting, lack of value communication, disconnection with the community, and so on.

Ultimately, your altcoin marketing campaign has to strike a balance between pushing your token as a solid business investment while also feeling genuine to those you are targeting. If this balance can be achieved, the sky is the limit.