How to Write a Press Release for an Event: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Write a Press Release for an Event: A Comprehensive Guide

A very much created official statement can be an incredible asset for advancing your occasion. It assists you with drawing in media consideration, increment public mindfulness, and lift participation. In any case, composing a viable public statement for an occasion requires cautious preparation and tender loving care. This guide will walk you through the moves toward making a convincing official statement that gets taken note.

1. Understanding the Motivation behind an Official Statement

Before you begin composing, it’s vital to comprehend the reason for an official statement. A public statement is a proper declaration shipped off by news sources to illuminate them about an impending occasion. The objective is to convince writers and editors to cover your occasion and produce exposure.

How to Write a Press Release for an Event: A Comprehensive Guide

2. Key Components of a Public Statement

A fruitful official statement incorporates a few key components:

  • Headline: The title is the primary thing perusers see, so it ought to be clear, brief, and eye catching. It ought to convey the primary fresh insight about your occasion. For instance, “XYZ Organization Hosts Yearly Foundation Function to Help Neighborhood Schools.”
  • Subheadline:  This discretionary component gives extra setting and insights concerning the occasion. It ought to supplement the title and allure the peruser to peruse.
  • Dateline: The dateline incorporates the delivery date and the area of the occasion. It is normally designed as “CITY, State, Month Day, Year.”
  • Lead Paragraph: The lead passage is essential as it sums up the main data about the occasion. It ought to answer the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the occasion.
  • Body: The body of the public statement gives itemized data about the occasion. This can incorporate statements from key members, foundation data, and any extra subtleties that would intrigue the media and the general population.
  • Boilerplate: A standard is a short section that gives foundation data about the association facilitating the occasion. It ought to incorporate the association’s central goal, history, and any pertinent accomplishments.
  • Contact Information: Incorporate contact subtleties for a media delegate who can give additional data or answer questions. This regularly incorporates a name, telephone number, and email address.

3. Making the Title and Subheadline

The title and subheadline are basic parts of your public statement. This is the way to successfully make them:

Title Tips:

  • Be Specific: Plainly express the central issue of the declaration.
  • Be Concise: Hold it to 8-10 words if conceivable.
  • Be Engaging: Utilize dynamic voice major areas of strength for and.

Subheadline Tips:

  • Give Extra Context: Develop the title with additional subtleties.
  • Keep up with Relevance: Guarantee it upholds the principal title and adds esteem.

4. Composing the Lead Passage

The lead passage ought to snare the peruser quickly by giving fundamental data in a convincing manner. Here is a design you can follow:

  • Who: Notice the name of the association or key people included.
  • What: Depict the occasion.
  • When: Incorporate the date and time.
  • Where: Give the area.
  • Why: Make sense of the reason or meaning of the occasion.
  • How: Notice any remarkable angles or features of the occasion.

For instance: “XYZ Organization will have its yearly cause affair on June 15, 2024, at the Great Dance hall in New York City. The occasion plans to raise assets to help nearby schools and will include feature discourses, live diversion, and a quiet sale.”

5. Fostering the Body

The body of your public statement ought to give more definite data. This is the way to structure it:

  • First Paragraph: Develop the lead passage by adding additional background info and subtleties. Notice the critical attractions or features of the occasion.
  • Quotes: Incorporate statements from key people like the occasion coordinator, featured experts, or recipients. Quotes add a human component and loan validity.
  • Extra Details: Give some other significant data, for example, enrollment subtleties, ticket costs, exceptional visitors, and supporters.
  • Call to Action: Urge perusers to make a move, for example, enlisting for the occasion, buying tickets, or reaching the media delegate for more data.

6. Counting the Standard

The standard is a standard shutting section about your association. It ought to be succinct and enlightening, summing up what your identity is and what you do. For instance:

“About XYZ Organization:

XYZ Organization is a main supplier of creative arrangements in the tech business. Established in 2000, we have been focused on conveying top notch items and administrations to our clients around the world. Our central goal is to drive innovative progression while supporting local area drives.”

7. Adding Contact Data

Continuously incorporate contact data for a media delegate. This ought to be somebody who can address questions and give extra data about the occasion. Design it as follows:

“For more data, kindly contact:

Jane Doe

Media Relations Administrator

XYZ Organization

Telephone: (123) 456-7890

Email: [email protected]

8. Arranging Your Official statement

Appropriate organizing is fundamental for clarity and amazing skill. Here are some arranging tips:

  • Utilize a Standard Font: Adhere to an expert textual style like Times New Roman or Arial in size 12.
  • Save it Short: Hold back nothing.
  • Go through Short Paragraphs: Break the text into short, simple-to-understand sections.
  • Incorporate at the End: This connotes the finish of the public statement.

9. Disseminating Your Official Statement

When your official statement is composed and organized, now is the ideal time to disseminate it. Here are some circulation tips:

  • Email Distribution: Send your official statement to pertinent columnists and news sources. Utilize a convincing title and customize the email whenever the situation allows.
  • Public statement Dissemination Services: Consider utilizing administrations like PR Newswire, Business Wire, or PRWeb to contact a more extensive crowd.
  • Social Media: Offer your official statement on your association’s virtual entertainment channels to increment perceivability.
  • Website: Distribute the official statement on your site’s news or press segment.

10. Following Up

Circle back to columnists and news sources a couple of days subsequent to sending your public statement. A considerate email or call can build the possibilities of your occasion being covered.

Press release format

If you’re building a press release on your own, remember that there is a standard, expected format for press releases.

These are the elements of a standard press release:

  1. Headline
  2. Subheader / Lead
  3. Dateline
  4. Body
  5. Quote
  6. Company info (boilerplate)
  7. Logo
  8. Media Contact 

How to write a press release in 9 steps

How to Write a Press Release for an Event: A Comprehensive Guide

Now that you know the correct press release format, let’s dig into the details of writing a press release.

1. Choose your target audience

Before you get to the actual press release writing—the most important thing to start with is choosing your target audience and the angle that matters for them.

Remember that the angle (a perspective that the story will take, in other words) that will interest the readers of a specialist publication will be very different from the local newspaper.

Keep in mind that you’re not only targeting potential readers but also journalists. If you don’t do your research and target the wrong journalists, writing good press releases won’t get you anywhere.

By using a PR tool like Prowly, you can access a media database to find relevant journalists and also get recommendations based on your press releases. This way, you’ll always pitch relevant media contacts who are more likely to be interested.

2. Craft an attention-grabbing headline

No surprises here. Your headline needs to communicate the essence of what follows at a glance. Recipients of your press release are going to scan the headline in a fraction of a second, so this is the place to make your point. Convincing media contacts that your message is newsworthy can be a challenge when you have a limited number of characters to work with, so focus on the main takeaway. 

Pro tip: Don’t use all capital letters or exclamation points in your headline. A reasonable font size and bolding, combined with the fact that it’s the header, make it obvious to the reader that your news is somehow important. 

Humans have a shorter attention span than goldfish. So saying less is best in the headlines. Focus only on adding value, making it catchy, and creating a hook for your target audience. Avoid using clickbait in the headlines, you may lose trust among the journalists as well as will attract the wrong readers.Mehdi Hussen, Head of Marketing @ ZoomShift

3. Add more information with your lead

This is optional but recommended since it gives you a chance to pack some extra information right at the top. As a de facto extension of your headline, use your subheader or lead to expand on what makes your announcement worth the time and attention of media contacts

As you write your subheader or lead, think of which aspects of your announcement are most likely to impress, inform, or spark curiosity about the details. If your header is a high-impact message limited to just a few words, your subheader is an opportunity to expand on it with the top one or two ways that it’s important or consequential. 

Remember about the five W’s: what the news is about, who is involved, when and where it happened, and why it is important. 

Pro tip: Your header and subheader are not the places for mysterious, “read more to see…” references to what’s in your press release. Don’t make readers “work” by teasing what’s further down the page. Stick with the facts and use the time and attention the reader gives you to convey the most information possible. 

4. Include the dateline 

Typically at the introduction of the main body of text, the dateline communicates basic info like the date and location of the announcement. Bold this information and separate it from the first sentence of the body with a dash. 

The dateline always contains the name of the city in capitals, with the state being optional. Despite the name, the dateline does not have to include the date.

Be sure to change and update the dateline with any changes or updates in the press release itself. 

Pro tip: Sure, the dateline is a very small piece of the press release but it’s simply part of the expected format. Don’t overlook this standard press release format element just because it’s just a handful of characters!

5. Provide the details of your announcement in the body

Here’s where all the who-what-when-where-why basics get covered. Never forget that you’re trying to get media contacts interested in learning more, so the newsworthy angle should always be a priority. 

Use a strong opening sentence, which will likely be a paraphrase of your headline. Remember that journalists will think in terms of “How is this relevant to my audience”, so the body of your press release is where you answer that along with the top-level details that help them to start imagining what their story about you could look like. 

There’s nothing wrong with adding a second paragraph, as long as all the information you include helps to meet the goal of explaining why your announcement is worthy of media coverage. The focus is always on how your message is interesting, valuable, relevant, etc. to those who might read about it, not how media coverage would be good for you. 

Don’t let the length of the body of your press release push the total length beyond a single page. If you push things to a second page, there is a 100% chance there is some fat to cut out on page one. 

Pro tip: This is a press release, not a copy for an advertisement. Stay away from salesy language and remember that you’re trying to ignite interest in a story.

6. Include a quote to add credibility or more details

Another optional but recommended component of your press release layout quotes help to add a touch of credibility or detail to your announcement. Depending on the context, quotes can help to illustrate how much of a breakthrough you’re announcing, how important your news is for the industry, how unique or game-changing it is, etc. 

Again, the same rule applies—be sure that the information in any quote you use helps media contacts create a more complete conception of the story they could write about your announcementEverything is about helping to facilitate the path from your press release to press coverage. 

Pro tip: If possible, use a quote from the most high-profile, credible source associated with your organization. Also, the rule about avoiding salesly language applies to quotes as well.  

7. Provide your company info in the boilerplate

The last paragraph of your press release will include a basic but flattering description of your company. This is the press release equivalent of the “About Us” section on your website. Keep it short, keep it complimentary by mentioning your position in the industry, awards, etc., and provide a link to your website. 

Like the press release generally, keep your boilerplate section limited to the most essential, high-level kind of information and use later follow-ups to expand on the details. This is no time for the complete history of your company!

Pro tip: This boilerplate section of your press release can contain information you might be tempted to include elsewhere, like the subheader or the body. If you are “California’s leading supplier of building supplies” or “The Southwest’s largest medical research facility” or whatever, say that in your Company Info section instead of repeating it. This will free up space in those other sections for additional information.  

8. Add your logo

Your company’s or organization’s logo is part of any professional press release. Search online and you’ll find that there’s plenty of disagreement of where exactly it should appear on the page but top-middle and bottom-middle are the two leading contenders. You can decide based on what you think looks best. 

Pro tip: Use a full-color logo and keep it down to a fairly small size. Remember, the logo is there for brand identity purposes, not to steal the show.  

9. Include your contact details for the media

You’ve put all this effort and planning into your press release because you want to generate interest among media contacts, so be sure that you make it easy for them to get in touch. This info will depend on who your contact is, of course—the person writing the press release, a Marketing or PR representative, an outside agency, etc. 

A simple “[Brand name] is happy to share more information…” or “Please direct all media inquiries to…” or some similar call to action is sufficient to make it clear that this is the person who will handle replies from the media. 

Pro tip: A phone number and an email address is all the contact information you need to share with anyone responsible for handling replies to your press release. While you may have reached out to media contacts via their social media, you want their replies to go through your phone or email. 


Composing a successful official statement for an occasion includes cautious preparation, clear and succinct composition, and vital dissemination. By following the means framed in this aide, you can make an official statement that catches consideration and produces interest in your occasion. Make sure to zero in on the key components, give definite data, and utilize an expert configuration to guarantee your public statement sticks out.