How to Send a Press Release by Email: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Send a Press Release by Email: A Comprehensive Guide

Official statements are a fundamental device for organizations and associations to convey significant news to the media and the general population. Sending a public statement by email is a typical practice, yet it requires cautious preparation and execution to guarantee that your message gets taken note. This guide will walk you through the moves toward successfully send an official statement by email, from making the substance to picking the right dissemination methodology.

Identify the right journalists

When you’re emailing your press release, it’s crucial to identify the journalists who would be interested in covering your story.

Ask yourself these two questions:

  • Which journalists would be interested in your press release?
  • Which publications does your target audience follow?

This should give you a better idea of the reporters and outlets you should have in mind.

In other words, there should be a fit between what you’re pitching and what the journalists you’re reaching out to usually catch. 

These are precisely the people who are ready to read and respond to exactly the kind of news you’re sharing. After all, this is what they write about.

How to do it:

  • If you’re sharing industry-specific news, look for journalists that covered similar topics in the past.
  • If you’re sharing local news, additionally look for journalists that focus on a particular location.

Extra tips for emailing press releases

Pick the right time to send out press releases

If you’re writing a press release about an event or a product launch, remember to submit your press release to the media early enough so you have time to get media coverage before your event or product launch occurs.

It’s also important when journalists receive your press release email. The best day to email a press release is on Thursday when the average open rate jumps to over 26%! The worst days are Wednesdays and Fridays when even 85% of your emails can get lost in journos’ inboxes.

Which hours are best for sending a press release via email?

Research shows that early mornings are less effective: open rates drop to 20.5% between 6 and 10 am. If you do decide on the morning, wait at least until around 8 or 9 am.

Avoid grammatical errors and typos

Even if your press release contains everything it should, a typo—or even worse—a major grammatical mistake, can seriously damage the trustworthiness of you and your news.

Double-check your press release with a grammar-checker like Grammarly or ask someone from your team that you trust to have a second look.

Make sure local news goes to local reporters

When it comes to sending press releases to local media, it’s crucial to reach out to the editorial offices of local newspapers, publishers, and journalists in your specific city or region. By crafting compelling stories and sharing them with local newspapers, publishers, and journalists, you can spark genuine interest among consumers in your region.

All mentioned guidelines apply. The magic lies in the ability to personalize your pitches and in building meaningful relationships with journalists. Also, don’t overlook the potential of local radio and TV stations, they could be your ticket to getting your story heard by a broader audience.

1. Making the Ideal Official statement

Before you send your official statement, it’s urgent to guarantee that the substance is all around created and newsworthy. This is the way to make it happen:

  • Headline: Your title ought to be clear, brief, and eye-catching. It ought to give a preview of the news in a convincing manner. For instance, “ABC Corp Dispatches Progressive Eco-Accommodating Product offering.”
  • Subheadline: A subheadline gives extra setting and detail to the title. It ought to supplement the title and deal more knowledge into the public statement content.
  • Lead Paragraph: The primary passage ought to sum up the central issues of your public statement, noting the who, what, when, where, why, and how. It necessities to promptly snare the peruser.
  • Body: The body of your public statement ought to give definite data, including statements from key partners, significant insights, and extra setting. Utilize clear and brief language, and keep passages short.
  • Boilerplate: A standard is a concise passage about your organization or association. It ought to give foundation data and incorporate your statement of purpose or key accomplishments.
  • Contact Information: Incorporate contact data for a media delegate who can give extra subtleties if necessary. This ordinarily incorporates a name, telephone number, and email address.

2. Setting up Your Email

When your official statement content is prepared, the subsequent stage is to set up the email. Here are key components to consider:

  • Email Subject Line: Your headline ought to be convincing and brief, summing up the quintessence of your public statement. Try not to utilize all covers or unreasonable accentuation, as this can make your email seem to be spam.
  • Email Body: In the body of the email, incorporate a short prologue to your public statement. This could be several sentences summing up the central matters and making sense of why the news is significant.
  • Connection versus Inline Text: It’s by and large really smart to glue the public statement text straightforwardly into the body of the email. This guarantees that beneficiaries can peruse it promptly without opening a connection. In any case, likewise connect a PDF variant of the public statement for comfort.
  • Interactive media Links: In the event that your official statement incorporates sight and sound components like pictures, recordings, or infographics, incorporate connections to these assets. Ensure the connections are plainly marked and effectively open.

3. Building Your Media Rundown

A fruitful official statement email crusade depends on focusing on the right beneficiaries. This is the way to construct a viable media list:

  • Distinguish Pertinent Columnists and Outlets: Spotlight on writers and news sources that cover your industry or the particular subject of your public statement. Use devices like media information bases, online entertainment, and industry distributions to track down the right contacts.
  • Update Your Rundown Regularly: Media contacts change every now and again, so staying up with the latest is significant. Consistently check contact data and eliminate idle or obsolete contacts.
  • Portion Your List:Fragment your media list in view of various standards like geology, industry, or distribution type. This permits you to tailor your email and follow-up techniques all the more really.

4. Sending Your Official statement

With your official statement and media list prepared, now is the right time to send your email. Here are a few prescribed procedures:

  • Customize Your Emails: Personalization can fundamentally work on the possibilities of your email being perused. Address the writer by name and notice why your news is pertinent to their crowd.
  • Utilize an Expert Email Address: Send your official statement from an expert email address that incorporates your organization’s space. This upgrades validity and diminishes the gamble of your email being set apart as spam.
  • Plan Your Send Time: Timing can influence the outcome of your public statement. Try not to send messages late in the day or on ends of the week. The best times are regularly promptly toward the beginning of the day on work days.

5. Following Up

Following up is a basic move toward guaranteeing your public statement gets taken note. This is the way to really make it happen:

  • Stand by a Couple of Days: Give columnists a chance to peruse and consider your public statement prior to following up. Ordinarily, holding up 2-3 days is fitting.
  • Send a Well mannered Reminder: Your subsequent email ought to be courteous and compact. Notice that you’re circling back to the official statement you sent before and propose to give extra data or answer any inquiries.
  • Make a Telephone Call: In the event that you don’t get a reaction to your subsequent email, consider settling on a telephone decision. Be deferential of the columnist’s time and be ready to momentarily make sense of the central issues of your public statement.

6. Estimating Achievement

At last, it’s essential to gauge the progress of your public statement email crusade. This is the way to make it happen:

  • Track Open Rates: Use email promoting devices to follow open rates. This will provide you with a thought of the number of beneficiaries that really opened your email.
  • Screen Media Coverage: Watch out for news sources and online stages to check whether your public statement is gotten. Use devices like Google Cautions or media observing administrations to follow specifies.
  • Investigate Engagement: Take a gander at commitment measurements like navigate rates on joins inside your email or downloads of your connected public statement.
  • Accumulate Feedback: If conceivable, assemble criticism from writers about your official statement. This can give significant bits of knowledge to working on future missions.


Sending a public statement by email is a viable method for imparting your news to the media, yet it requires cautious preparation and execution. By creating a convincing public statement, setting up a designated email, fabricating a pertinent media rundown, and following up in a calculated manner, you can improve the possibilities of your news being seen and covered. With these means, you’ll be well en route to excelling at sending official statements by email.