Best Practices For a Gaming Press Release That Delivers Results

The GameFi market in 2024 going into 2025 is huge, with billions of dollars spent so far and even more growth projected. This has seen hundreds of projects popping up to meet the demand, and even more on the way. Naturally, this often means that a gaming press release is in order. 

The thing to note about GameFi is that it is a unique sector of gaming and, as such, the press releases related to it have to be crafted with intention to deliver the best results. Here are some of the things to keep in mind:


Make Your Niche Clear

GameFi is an umbrella term that includes combat games, play-to-earn, strategy games, and even gambling. Both journalists and the public will not have the time to look in-depth into your project and decide what type of project it is. At the same time, they need to have this information on hand to decide whether they’re interested in your project. So, make sure your gaming press release spells this out clearly. For example, it could start off by saying, ‘XYX, a play-to-earn GameFi project’. This tells the reader that it is a gaming project but also what sub-niche it is. This saves time and effort for readers and will hold their attention. 



Add Visuals to Your Gaming Press Release

At this point, it is well known that gaming fans value visuals when choosing games to play. If you’re looking for your gaming press release to be covered on major news sites and eventually make its way to players, you’ll want to include visuals that will draw them in. Ideally, the visual should be one of your gameplay in progress, main characters, a stats sheet, and so on. Make sure the visuals are clear, high-quality, and easily downloadable so that they are as effective as possible. 


Tease Features

When a player or journalist is considering a gaming title, the features are at the forefront of their minds. In fact, this is usually the deciding factor for all of them and so, you have to make sure your game’s best features are highlighted in the press release. These include your characters, weapons, setting, sound effects, upgrades, and much more. Ideally, you’ll want a few paragraphs explaining these features as well as a short summary. Given people’s attention spans these days, the most appealing features of the game should be spelt out within the first few paragraphs of the press release. These features should also be illustrated in the visual that you attach to it.


Leverage Social Media 

In a previous blog post, we talked about how press releases can be turned into social media posts to maximize their benefits and this applies to Gaming press releases as well. Not only should you publish a traditional press release but you should also put out social media posts to this effect. These posts should include all the core information relating to the game, and the visuals should be attached. Ideally, the post should generate even more engagement and get more eyes on your project.


Platforms and Dates Are a Must 

One of the golden rules of creating a press release of any kind is providing the most important information as quickly as possible. When creating a gaming press release, this includes the date the game is released, the platforms it will be available on, the price, and so on. Following this golden rule, you have to make sure that you place this information in the first two paragraphs. Also, make sure that it is added to your visual to drive home the message. 


Give Numbers 

Never underestimate the power of hard numbers, especially for gaming fans. Sure, you can say in your press release that you offer character customization but adding ‘5,000+ character combinations’ does the job faster and will create a lot more interest. So, make sure to mention all the relevant stats and numbers that relate to your game. Highlight the number of levels, characters, in-game weapons, and much more. Another tactic would be to compare your game numbers to those of other titles or highlight its growth. Does your GameFi project have 5,000 5-star ratings on the app store? Mention this in your gaming press release as this lends you credibility. 



Create Hype

While a gaming press release is a way to let the general public know vital information about your gaming project, it is also a way to hype it up. Without falling into hyperbole or dishonesty, talk about how your project is breaking new ground in the industry, how it stands above competitors, and what others are saying about it. If you can, include quotes from executives or reviews from gaming-focused publications or highlight any sales achievements it has made so far. Journalists and the public will only be as passionate about your project as you are so make sure you hype it up.


Widely Circulate 

You’ll get the best results from your gaming press release if it is seen by as many people as possible. As such, you need to have it circulated far and wide. This could mean sending it out manually to as many publications as possible, leveraging social media, and much more. Alternatively, you could opt for a service like what we provide here at BTCWire. Our packages guarantee publication on some of the biggest blockchain and mainstream publications in the world. This, along with editorial support and SEO services, will have your high-quality gaming press release seen by your target audience, which drives up its effectiveness. 



A gaming press release is the way that you introduce your project to the world and it has to make a good impression. As we’ve highlighted in this article, it comes down to making vital information as easily accessible as possible, highlighting its best features, offering visual aids, and making sure it is seen as widely as possible. If you can do these, you have a better chance of standing out in the saturated gaming world.